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The Phoenix Conspiracy Page 25

  The chronic pain. The dizziness. The vomiting. Before he knew it, he was coughing up blood and who knows what else. One morning he couldn't even see for twelve hours. But when his sight came back he was back on the stuff, searching for something to cope with the loss of his friends, family, and wealth.

  His marriage had suffered the most, short-lived as it had been before crumbling apart. Poor Bonnie... if only I could have actually been someone, like I promised. Instead of the trash I became.

  It wasn't as bad when he'd finally stopped using and began dealing. That paid off his original debts and allowed him to get away from the planet that had once been home—where all his painful memories were. He left them there, as far away as possible.

  But when he had trouble sleeping, like when people barged into his room on the warpath, it left him startled and miserable. Picking at his brain for anything and everything. Decades of fears, mistakes, and pain. It was pure agony. He only kept himself going now because he believed he was finally contributing to the universe. Here, on this starship, he could put his knowledge to use and actually help people. It would never undo a lifetime of regrets, but it helped him ignore them. And if he could end his life on a high note, all the better.

  And then, like a re-occurring nightmare, Summers was back again. Banging on the door because Blair had disconnected his comm. When he opened it, she invited herself right in, waving a folder of documents, a picture, and a pill sample. She wore a smile big enough he expected her to say she'd won the lotto.

  Unfortunately it was much worse.

  "You say ‘bring me evidence,’ well here it is, Dr. Blair!" She handed him the folder. He opened it and browsed through a standard report from the science lab. There wasn't much to it. Basically they'd proven that a sample of drugs found in Calvin's quarters was Xinocodone—or "equarius"—a controlled substance. The implication that followed was simple. Calvin had to be removed from command.

  He cursed inside and wondered how Calvin could have been stupid enough to let her, of all people, find equarius in his room. The next logical question would be "how did he get the equarius?" and before long, Monte knew, all fingers would be pointing at him.

  "I expect your formal declaration that Cross is unfit for command right away," said Summers. She seemed too arrogant. And he hated that she was right. That he really had no choice. Not if he valued his career anyway. But somehow the thought of Calvin being dragged off to some jail and this witch in front of him, this beautiful nasty witch, sailing away with Calvin's ship... it was just damn wrong.

  "No," he said simply.

  She looked genuinely shocked. "What did you say?"

  "I said no. I won't do it."

  "But you have no choice," Summers took back the folder and flipped it open, again showing him her evidence. "Here's the proof. I know Calvin is your friend but you have a duty to do."

  "I am not convinced that the equarius you found was actually in Calvin's room, despite the picture," he said, folding his arms.

  "It's still there if you want to see for yourself," she snapped.

  "You could have put it there," he said. "You had a motive, after all, to get Calvin removed from command. Don't think I've forgotten your visit. You woke me the hell up... twice!"

  Her eyes narrowed and he could see rage inside them as she shook her head slowly. "Unacceptable…” She stormed out, folder in hand. He watched her go, knowing he could delay her but there was ultimately nothing he could do to stop her.


  Summers had only been to Special Forces Head Quarters once, when she'd toured the ship that first day. She really liked the atmosphere there. The rigid discipline. The soldiers with crisp, unwrinkled uniforms and proper salutes. A place where structure and order prevailed. How the military should be. Seeing the grey sliding door guarded by two perfect soldiers made her smile.

  "Commander," the leftmost soldier acknowledged her and they both saluted and let her pass.

  "I need to see the Major right away, it's urgent," she said to the attending soldier, a busy looking female in grey fatigues. She paged the Major.

  “Commander Presley here to see you, sir, she says it’s urgent.”

  The Major’s husky voice could be heard over the comm speaker. "Send her in."

  The Major's office was not as brightly lit as the HQ's main room, but the hazelnut paneling made it feel warmer. Behind a matching brown desk the Major sat up straight, hands curled together on his desk. He looked up at her with deep brown eyes that made him seem younger than his greying hair let on.

  "What can I do for you, Commander?" He waved for her to sit. Summers accepted and slid her folder of notes across the smooth table.

  She cut right to the chase. "I have proof here that Lieutenant Commander Cross has illegal drugs in his possession. He is therefore unfit for command."

  The Major didn't seem the type to show his emotions, but she could see surprise in his eyes as he flipped through the lab results and photographs, shaking his head. "This is very alarming, but, I don't have the authority to relieve the Captain of command. You should take this to Dr. Blair."

  Summers knew this was protocol and she hadn't come here expecting the Major to relieve Calvin of command—her goals were slightly different. "I've already spoken with the good doctor," she said. "And he refuses to declare Calvin unfit despite this evidence. My opinion is that Dr. Blair is putting his friendship with Calvin ahead of the well-being of the ship."

  The Major frowned and leaned back, his chair creaking. "I'm not sure what you expect me to do," he said. "The regulations are very clear, I don't have any jurisdiction over the ship's command." She liked that the Major was a man who operated by the book.

  "I am aware of your position," said Summers. "The usual procedure here is to contact Fleet Command and present this evidence. But Calvin has locked out all outside communications. Only you have the security access to override that lockout. I'm asking you to do that so I may contact Fleet Command and present them with this information."

  The Major hesitated for a moment, looking conflicted. "Calvin said the lockout was a necessary precaution, that outside communication represents a security threat."

  Summers looked him squarely in the eyes. "I have every reason to believe Calvin is using that as an excuse to keep the Fleet from revoking his command."

  The Major stroked his chin for several seconds. Summers was about to speak again, to strengthen her argument, when the Major nodded his assent. "Yes, I think you're right. Fleet Command should have this information and they can give us further instructions. We can also ask them whether or not they authorized Calvin to lockout communications."

  Summers felt a rush of excitement. "I believe that is the right course of action."

  The Major turned his attention to his computer and typed a series of codes, including one that required voice recognition. "System Override Alpha Victor One Whiskey Bravo Niner." The computer confirmed his order with an affirmative beep. He nodded to Summers. "All yours, Commander." He moved aside so she could use his terminal.

  Without hesitation, she walked around his side of the desk and input the proper command lines to link up with Fleet Command over a secure channel. Before long, Commodore Yitzen's lightly-bearded face appeared.

  "We've been having trouble contacting you, IWS Nighthawk. What's your status?" He seemed tense.

  "That's because Lieutenant Commander Cross locked out all outside communication. Major Jenkins overrode Cross’s order so we could give you this report." Summers pulled a disc out of her pocket and plugged it into the Major's computer. At her request, the lab had given her a digital copy of all the information that incriminated Calvin.

  As she forwarded it over the kataspace connector, she continued to explain. "In addition to the fact that Calvin disobeyed a direct order by not engaging the Harbinger, it’s also been discovered that Cross has in his possession a controlled substance which he has been using. It is my opinion that this is impairing his judgment and he is
unfit for command. Dr. Blair does not agree, I am therefore appealing to you."

  "This is a matter of serious concern," said Commodore Yitzen, his eyes scanned back and forth and Summers knew he was reviewing the notes she'd sent him. After a few seconds he said. "Did Cross provide a reason for locking out communications?"

  "He said he was under orders from Intel Wing. That incoming kataspace messages were a security threat."

  "There was no such order," the Commodore’s eyes lit up. "We have no other choice but to relieve him of command. As of this moment you, Commander Presley, are the commanding officer of the Nighthawk. I am sending this notice to all senior staff. Is Major Jenkins nearby enough to hear what I've just said?"


  "Good. Your new orders are to proceed directly to station CC-Platform B in the Xerxes system where you will be given further instructions."

  Summers felt a wave of confusion. Xerxes System? "Shouldn't we follow the Harbinger to Zendricun Alpha?" she asked.

  "Not yet. Proceed to Xerxes with all speed. Fleet Command out." The screen winked off.

  "You heard him, Major," said Summers.

  "Yes, and I just logged it," he looked up from the computer screen. "You have command."

  "Time to spread the good news," she couldn't hold back a broad smile.

  The Major nodded and opened a channel to the whole ship. "Attention all hands, this is Major Jenkins. As of this moment, Commander Presley has command of this ship. Calvin Cross has been officially relieved of duty by order of Fleet Command. That is all." He released the button and looked at her. "I'll send two soldiers with you to make sure the transition on the bridge happens smoothly.

  "Thank you."

  "And Commander," he said as she turned to leave. She looked back at him. "Would you like Cross detained?"

  She felt a stab of guilt as she imagined Calvin knocked out in his quarters, and how she'd used him. And, technically, she was guilty of battery against him. It had been necessary and he had deserved it. But now that she had command there was no need to add even more insult to injury.

  "No," she said softly. "I don't think that will be necessary."


  Calvin awoke to the sound of a loud knock. His eyes, well-adjusted to the darkness, stared at the door but he didn't say anything. It didn't seem real. He rolled over, half-expecting Summers to be next to him, but when she wasn't there he knew it had all been a very vivid, strange dream.

  The pounding came again and Calvin managed to sit up, scratching his bare chest—which was frozen with sweat. He stared down at his crumpled sheets and blinked several times, trying to clear away the blurriness. He felt light-headed and somewhat dazed and struggled to collect his bearings. He knew where he was but had no idea how long he'd been here in his quarters or what time it was.

  Whoever it was knocked a third time, louder than ever.

  "Come," Calvin croaked with his hoarse, groggy voice, desperate for the knocking to stop. The door slid open and a large silhouette rushed inside. "Lights," Calvin ordered. They snapped on to reveal Miles who looked tense, maybe even angry. His face burned red and his eyes seemed larger than usual.

  "Is it true?" he asked, panting. Like he'd sprinted the whole way.

  Calvin’s head hurt and he combed a hand loosely through his tangled hair, wishing Miles would lower his voice. "Is what true?"

  "That Summers has command?" Miles didn't hide his panic.

  Calvin shook his head slowly. "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about..." Feeling the torture of dry throat, he looked around for a water bottle and noticed the open safe. Bottles and bottles of equarius still in place but perfectly visible. One, however, was missing. He felt his heart squeeze with fear and he realized what must have happened.

  Summers had used him. And he'd let her. Let her in his room. Let her somehow incapacitate him. And let her break into his safe and discover his dark secret. And all because he was too blinded by her brilliant green eyes, seductive smile, and superbly carved physique... She beat me! He shook his head in disbelief.

  "We got this nasty memo from Fleet Command and the Major made an announcement to the whole crew a couple of minutes ago. Summers is in and you're out. I guess they worked it out with someone up the food chain or whatever."

  Calvin felt slow, like his mind wasn't working properly. He closed his eyes hard and rubbed his temples, gently coaxing himself to a more alert state. While he did this, he realized he was in real trouble. And had no one to blame but himself.

  "So is it true?" Miles pressed. He said it in the kind of way that meant he already knew the answer but desperately hoped otherwise.

  "I suppose it is," said Calvin, unmoving. He didn't even feel like standing up.

  So that was that... it was such a bitter flavor. The grim future that awaited him in Xerxes didn't feel real. What bothered him most of all—even more than knowing the Raidan mystery would never be solved—was that Summers had taken advantage of him so severely and bested him so easily. He was a smart guy. Always proud of his intelligence. How the hell did he let this happen?

  He thought of his encounter with her on the observation deck, what they'd spoken about, how it'd gone. How she'd leveraged her beauty against him. And the more he realized what a fool he'd been, and how he'd been played like a toy—a simple, stupid, foolish toy—the tighter he clenched his jaw.

  "How could you let this happen?" Miles demanded, shocked and frustrated. The question cut into Calvin deeply and he could think of no answer he liked, because they each ended with it ultimately being his fault. Like the bad bishop move he'd made in his chess game with Summers earlier. A fatal blunder. Only this time, others had to share the consequences of his mistake, maybe even the whole Empire.

  "I got careless," said Calvin, staring blankly at the wall as if he could see through it. "And I let my guard down." He tried to block out the fresh images of Summers' eyes playing with him, and her siren smile... again he shook his head, ashamed. She'd betrayed him. And by letting her do that he'd betrayed himself. Ever since Christine, he'd kept his heart closed to the women around him and now that he'd let someone squeeze past his defenses, his life was in permanent ruins.

  He realized how it happened, he'd somehow projected his feelings for Christine onto Summers—and that had been his fatal mistake. With that knowledge, all his romantic feelings were crushed like splintering ice under a steel hammer. And he blocked out the pain and confusion.

  "So what happens next?" asked Miles.

  Calvin shrugged. "We go to Xerxes. They launch a full inquiry and put us on trial. I'll be discharged, my assets frozen, and they'll leave me stranded on some two-bit border system where I can't do any damage. As for the ship, they'll swap out most of the personnel—probably stuff it full of navy officers the way things are going, and then go kill Raidan, if they can."

  Silence filled the air and Calvin took a deep breath. "And if Raidan dies, his secrets die with him. What a waste."

  "So you're just gonna roll over and that's it?" asked Miles, his voice gaining volume.

  Calvin finally let himself look Miles in the eyes. "I'm not sure what else to do at this point."

  "Yeah, but..." Miles faltered for a half second. "I don't want that bitch to win. I wanna fight!"

  Strangely, hearing Miles say that gave Calvin the slightest burst of energy and the tiniest smile cracked his lips—but only for an instant.

  He may have lost everything else, but he still had the loyalty of his closest friends. And seeing Miles there, eyes lit with rage, Calvin wondered if somehow he could still salvage his situation. If his senior staff—his friends—put it all on the line for him.

  "Maybe you’re right…” said Calvin. "We're already condemned by association anyway, may as well hang together and do something to deserve it."

  "Now that's more like it," said Miles, pumping a fist into the air. Calvin nodded, feeling excitement pour slowly into him as his mind raced, trying to think how best to twi
st the situation to their advantage.

  "OK, Summers will probably keep two vigilant eyes on me," said Calvin. "So that limits what I can do for now. But it's also an advantage. If she's busy watching me then she's less able to watch you, Shen, Sarah, and the others. What I want you to do is feel around for me, find out who's loyal. See who's in if we make a move."

  "When we make a move,” said Miles.

  Calvin smirked. "Right. But for now, we have to keep things quiet. Spread the word around cautiously and when you have a good idea of who's with us, arrange a meeting."

  "I'm on it," Miles whirled for the door.

  "And Miles," said Calvin before he could leave. "Be subtle." He knew that wasn't one of Miles' strong suits.

  "You know I will," a smile spread across his round face.

  Calvin nodded approvingly. "You're a good man."


  When Summers took over the command position from the Second Officer, Mister Rose, she encountered no more resistance than surprised faces. When no one objected to her orders, she dismissed her Special Forces escort who left with a salute.

  Every person on the ship had heard the Major's announcement and, like she’d expected, many were in shock. They’d admired Calvin and his loss of command was a wake-up-call many of them had needed. A first step in restoring discipline.

  Her first order was to re-open all communication. This was possible now that the Major had overruled Calvin's lockout. The ops officer, Cassidy Dupont, handled it in only a few seconds. Satisfied, Summers turned her attention to the man at the helm.

  "What is your name, Second Lieutenant?" She noticed the insignia on his collar.

  "Me?" He pointed at himself.

  "Yes, you."


  "What is your full name."